
Practice Management Sales Training

ERA Posting

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In This Video You Will Learn
Understanding the ERA Posting workflow.

Go to Payments>ERA Posting
Electronic Remittance Advice is an electronic version of a paper explanation of benefits, which allows you to auto-post payments as opposed to manually posting them.

All ERAs download directly from the clearinghouse, open up an ERA
Show that you can see which patients are on the ERA and hover over the Adj. Amt., Pat. Responsibility and Remark Code and show the messages that come back from the insurance payer
Select Proceed to Post
– All payment information is copied and filled into the appropriate field. The user can now verify if everything is right.
– Explain next action
– The system will set the next action based on the patient’s profile. If they have secondary the status is moved to bills, which once post is selected will create the secondary claim. If there is no secondary, and there is a balance it will transfer to bill to patient, which transfers a balance so a statement can be generated
– Lines highlighted Pink
– These are highlighted because they’re denied. You don’t have to do

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Questions from above video

    1. When does the system change ERA automatically to “Processed” status?
    All claims in the ERA have some amt appliedThere is no on account money left in the ERA payment.When you hit the Process button on the ERA.When the payment status of the ERA is 'Partial Applied'.

    2. ERAs do not autodownload into the system from the clearinghouse and they have to be manually downloaded.

    3. If the system cannot match the payer, what can the user do to post the ERA?
    Manually match the payer by clicking on the 'Match' option next to the payer and then proceed with the posting.Create a new insurance company with the same payer id as on the ERA and then proceed with the ERA posting.Payer matching is irrelevant and the user can proceed with posting the ERA.ERA cannot be autoposted. User has to manually apply the payment.

    4. The status of an ERA once changed cannot be changed back.

    5. How can you identify any matched claims/lines in the ERA after you hit the Process button?
    The lines are unhighlighted but have a match link next to them.The lines are highlighted in red and have a match link next to them.The lines are unhighlighted and the patient has a green tick.The lines are highlighted in green and the patient has a green tick.

    6. Reversing payments is not automated and is a manual process in ERA Posting

    7. If any lines are highlighted on the ERA Posting screen, this would typically mean that
    The highlighted lines cannot be posted.Only the highlighted lines will post from the ERA.The highlighted lines are denials (& the colors as indicated on the legend).Highlighted lines are to alert the user to take an appropriate action when posting (& the colors as indicated on the legend).