Medical Billing Training Program
Welcome to Medical Billing Training!
Join our certified experts in a series of interactive webinars. Learn everything you need to know to be proficient using the PracticeSuite medical billing software platform.

Webinar 1
Scheduling and Patient
- Review dashboards and confirm your practice setup parameters to ensure successful billing and collections.
- Learn efficient techniques for adding patients and scheduling appointments.
- Introduction of Company & Product
- Patient
- Search, Add, Edit Patient
- Inactivate Patients
- Add or modify Patient’s Insurance
- Adding Cash Patients
- Checking Eligbility
- Adding Patient Alerts
- Add Notes and View Activity
- Overview of the Scheduler screen
- Add/Edit appointments
- Drag & drop appointments
- Double booking appointment
- Adding of Recurring appointments
- Appointment Shortcuts
- Void (deleting) appointments
- Some appointment reports
- User Setup: Add/Modify Users
- Change/hide/reorder Provider columns
- Add new Schedule Status
- Setup Schedule Type and duration
- Add Lookups – Patient Acct Type, Exam Room etc.
- Merge Patients
- Inactivate/Reactivate Patients
- Void (delete) appointments
- Adding new Appointment Statuses
- Interface Customers: Single or Bidirectional sync – Important & need to know information
Webinar 2
- Learn the ins and outs of charge posting and how to create and send claims (electronically and paper).
- Monitor claim responses and how to efficiently work rejections
- Charges
- Enter Charges
- Insurance and Patient Billing
- Repeat Bills
- Claims Workbench: Batching and Submission of claims
- Working Rejections
- Printing Claims
- Clearinghouse portal access
- Editing Charges (Charge Master) and explanation of Line Status
- Interface Customers: Patient and Charge import from external system
- X-Superbill screen for processing imported charges
- Edit Charge: Inline/Charge Master
- Claims Processing and Batching workflow
- Standard Fee: Add/Edit Codes or Fees
- Custom Fee Schedule: Add contracted fees
- Setup Procedure defaults – Line Status, NDC, Modifier etc.
- Setting up Service Locations/Place of Service
- Add Multiple Practice or Billing Setups
- Charge Entry: how to default DoS.
- Entering NDC Codes
- Voiding Line(s) or entire charge
- Sending corrected claims electronically
- Change Insurance coverage for a submitted claim
Webinar 3
- See how to post cash and insurance based payments/denials.
- Learn efficient ways to apply Cash payments.
- Review payment retractions, balance forwards and others.
- Patient Payment Entry
- On Account: What does this mean?
- Add new payments from Payment Entry screen
- Manual Payment Posting
- Mass Posting screen: Quick Patient Payment Posting
- Denial Posting and Report
- Reverse/Refund Payment or Reverse Payment from a Line
- Refund unapplied money and Bulk Reversal
- Voiding Payments or Refunds
- Posting Reversals/Forwarding Balances
- Add new Adjustment Reasons
- Add a Custom Payment Type
- Add a Custom Line Sub Status
- Setup Auto Patient Payment Posting
- What is On Account?
- Auto apply copay on Charge Entry
- Add Balance Forward for a patient
- Add Interest Payment
Webinar 4
- Learn how to process ERA.
- Review ERA payment retractions and adjustments.
- ERA Posting
- ERA Posting workflow
- Process Takebacks/Insurance Refunds
- ERA Reconciliation Report
- Enable/Disable ERA Auto download
- Why some payments may not show in ERA Posting screen
- Report to identify any unposted claims in ERA
- Selecting a specific denial in ERA Posting when multiple denial codes are present.
- Clearing any pending ERAs from list
Webinar 5
Patient Collections
- Review how to generate patient statements and view statement history.
- Review the complete Patient Collections cycle.
- Learn how to implement pre-collection and standard collections workflows.
- Patient Collections
- Generate Patient Statements
- Patient Statement History
- Moving Patients to Pre-Collection
- Generate file for Collection Agency
- Setup Letters/ Pre-Collection Letters
- Show Pay to address on statements instead of Practice address
- Custom Message to show in the standard PDF statement
- Exclude Patient / Claim from Statement generation
- Statement Count: how does it work?
- How to bill to guarantor?
- Add Installment Plan/Generate Installment Letter
Webinar 6
Insurance Collections
- See how to use the Collections Manager to work through denials, rejections, and appeals.
- Learn to analyze receivables with the extensive aging report options.
- Ins. Collections
- Collection Manager overview
- Working the No Response and Denied claims from Collection Manager
- Run AR reports to identify and cleanup outstanding claims and denials
- Setup Claim Response Threshold Limits
- Add Collection Status and Sub Status
- Insurance Aging Reports: Setup from DoS or Last Claim Date
- Why some denied claims may not show up in Collection Manager
- Add Appeal Letter to Collection Manager
- Reports that show Collection Manager notes
Webinar 7
- Learn all essential daily/month end reports to effectively monitor and track health of your Practice.
- Perform month-end closes including partial and full closes.
- Reports
- Essential Scheduling, Patient, Billing, AR and Financial Reports
- Appointment and Charges Reconciliation Reports
- Month End Financial Reports
- Month End Close Process
- Audit Viewer Report: Setup and Patient Audit Trail
Webinar 8
UB04 Billing
- Please Watch Webinar 1 first
(Log in to your PracticeSuite account and click on the chat option.)

Secure Messaging
(For existing users)