Practice Management Sales Training
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In This Video You Will Learn
Use X-Superbill for processing of charges, Charge Master (Edit Charges) and Claim Rebills
Go to charges>xsuperbill to bring up the screen
Demonstrates where all charges come in from EHR
Go to charges, xsuperbill, select charge master/UB04
– Filter by provider, insurance, DOS, service location (use more filter button)
– Come in from EHR, user can review and make changes either inline (double click on any line to update things such as DOS, modifier, fee amount, etc.) or by pressing the edit charge button (blue button on the far right)
– Once everything looks good, check off the box to the far left (next tp provider) to mark the claim as worked and move onto the next one. Once all claims are selected check off “process” at the bottom right