
Practice Management Sales Training

Security Menu

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In This Video You Will Learn
Setup Users and modify user access

Don’t need to show, just explain that PM offers security to restrict users by what menu (e.g. charges), submenu D8:E8 under charges, edit claims), time and date and IP address they can access the system. Specifically, on IP address restriction, this prevents users from accessing data from home, and is not available on most web-based/cloud platforms

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Questions from above video

    1. Which settings would you edit to restrict users by IP?
    Open Security menu and click on the gear under Setup Remote Access and enter the IP address in the field named – Limited Access from certain Locations only.Open Security menu and click on the user to edit the User and enter the Remote IP settings in the field named – Setup Remote Access.Open Security menu and click on Preferences and then enter the IP address in the Setup Remote Access settings.Open Security menu and click on Setup Menu and then enter the IP address in the field named – Limited Access from certain Locations only in the Setup Remote Access field.