PracticeSuite Blog

Medical CRM Boosts Value for Practices and Medical Billers

As a medical billing company, you’ve helped your clients with thorny practice management issues for years. Today, competition is intense and seems more ferocious each day. Fortunately, you can offer your clients Care Relationship Management, a service to help them grow and strengthen their patient relationships. All while boosting your bottom line. 

medical crm for patient relationship Physicians don’t spend a lot of time on the business or marketing side of their practice. Provided it can be done with minimal effort, nurturing patients and informing them about ancillary services is something most physicians are open to. 

Using medical CRM software, physicians can easily tie together their website, patient portal, and marketing efforts. With the right platform, they can automate web and social media marketing, simplify lead generation, and create marketing campaigns. The platform can tie into their existing accounting system and supply forecasting reports and analytics.

Many practitioners assume that CRM is too marketing focused to be appropriate for medical practices. However, the operational and analytical benefits of implementing a CRM are far too good to pass up. As a trusted source of practice management information, you are well positioned to offer CRM consulting, software, and support to your clients.

You can introduce them to effective customer targeting, by helping them:

  • Learn – Care relationship management allows potential patients and existing ones to learn more about the services and care that the practice provides
  • Organize – The software aspect of CRM ensures that many management tasks such as sales, analytics, and marketing are automated. A comprehensive CRM platform will present all the information the practice needs to profit right in front of the providers.
  • Optimize – Streamline and simplify patient interactions, building long-term relationships and increasing patient care value.

Having a CRM platform opens up a multitude of possibilities for physicians. For example, they can use it to let their patients know about things like flu shot availability and community health events. They may even decide to host an event (like a charity walk) and use the platform to generate interest and give event details. Whether physicians simply want to enhance their relationship with existing patients or generate new ones, a CRM platform is the ideal tool.

What to look for in a medical EHR