EHR Software
Practice Management
Medical Billing Software
Patient Centered Engagement
Robotic Process Automation
Medical Scheduling Software
Revenue Cycle Management
UB04 Software
Coding Validation
e-Payments & Statements
Software Calculators
Secure Office
Electronic Fax
This shows insurance name, billing method, what was billed, paid, adjusted off, what is outstanding and estimated payment. Estimated payment shows what you should collect based off of fee schedule. Helps track underpayments (7-11% of claims are underpaid).
Don't need to show, just explain that PM offers security to restrict users by what menu (e.g. charges), submenu D8:E8 under charges, edit claims), time and date and IP address they can access the system. Specifically, on IP address restriction, this prevents...
Go to Scheduler on the left-hand menu bar -Resource can be a person ( e.g. doctor), piece of equipment (eg. MRI, Ultrasound) or room (e.g. in-house lab -We offer text and email reminders (one way, no confirmation) up to one day in advance or further out.
Go to patient on left hand menu bar>search for a completed patient record Show a completed patient record in PM.
Go to charges>xsuperbill to bring up the screen. Demonstrates where all charges come in from EHR. Go to charges, xsuperbill, select charge master/UB04
Go to charges>Submit claims This area will demonstrate how to submit claims, check claim status, correct rejected claims and resubmit them
Go to Payments>ERA Posting Electronic Remittance Advice is an electronic version of a paper explanation of benefits, which allows you to auto-post payments as opposed to manually posting them.
Go to Collections manager>click on the bubble denials and hit the green search button on the far right - The collections manager is one of the biggest differentiators of PM. This allows you to sort all of your denied...
Go to Report central and select the reports tab -All reports can be filtered and generated in PM and can also be exported into excel or PDF