Month: October 2014

Benefits of Interoperability

Interoperability in healthcare is the ability of devices, software, and information systems to connect within or outside the boundaries of organizations to exchange and access patient data. The different level of operability include foundational, structural, semantic, and organizational.  Interoperability can enhance patient experience, reduce medical error rates, and lower healthcare costs, among other benefits. Despite

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EHRs: Shorten the Time to Positive ROI in Your Medical Practice

Time and time again, EHR has continues to remain the winner for practitioners.  Despite adoption concerns with doctors over seamless implementation, electronic health records give doctors the ability to achieve positive returns on investment with the money they have put into EHR. The primary reason:  was an increase in the number of patients each clinician could

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What is a Medical CRM Driven Patient Portal?

Almost every medical professional in private practice today has a business website, but very few have a HIPAA compliant patient portal? It is important to create a patient portal that allows patients to interact with your practice, pay open patient balances, purchase supplements and supplies, schedule appointments with your office, request lab results, ask questions

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Docs: Are You Hiring PAs and NPs Illegally in Your Medical Practice?

As medical practices continue to grow, more and more physicians are finding the need to employ physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs). Hospitals are following the trend and adding non-physician providers to their staff. The need to efficiently provide care to more patients in a day requires more than running an advertisement and hiring

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