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The Smart Medical Practice

Physicians and Stolen Tax Returns: Avoiding Medical Practice Fraud

Physicians are not normally the segment of the population that comes to mind when one thinks of filing fraudulent tax returns. Filers of bogus tax returns aim to defraud the federal government out of millions of dollars. The Culprit Uncovered? While no one theory has been proven as the reason for this spike in fraudulently

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4 Things Your Medical Practice Management System Needs

We all like to feel like things are under control, especially when it comes to our business, but when you’re running a physician practice that’s a tall order because there are many moving parts—from front office tasks like checking eligibility, to tracking every part of the billing process, to keeping a close eye on your

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Stopping Time Theft in Your Medical Practice

Medical office personnel know it is stealing to take home paper, ink cartridges or other supplies from the office. Unfortunately, the employees often do not consider it stealing from the medical practice when they spend work time making personal telephone calls, texting, checking their email, Facebook account or using in other social media. Dr. Joseph

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RCM Software: Time to Plug Those Revenue Leaks

But perhaps the most dangerous occurrence at sea is a leak so slow that it’s not noticed until a significant amount of water has entered the vessel. This can hold relevant for a medical practice.  Major conflicts and crises get dealt with immediately while slow, persistent revenue leaks go unplugged. Two things are needed to

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Boost Medical Practice Revenue with Technology and Human Resources

We understand the challenges facing private providers – shrinking reimbursement rates, increasing compliance mandates and an influx of newly insured patients, some who haven’t seen a physician in years. Naturally, these challenges have some practice managers struggling to find ways to boost revenue, or at least slow down the declining profit margin. Professional practice consultants,

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Secure Text Messaging For Your Medical Practice

Text messaging can simplify communication with patients in a medical practice; however, it is also risky if the doctor and staff members do not take measures to improve security. It’s important to be aware of the HIPAA compliance rules surrounding sending sensitive information. Here are some way to ensure that sending a text message is

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Selling Your Medical Practice? Do These Things…

Legal experts advise physicians to start preparing for the sale of their practice several years in advance. Careful planning ensures accurate valuations so that physicians are not compelled to sell their practice during unfavorable market trends. Retaining a team of professional appraisers, accountants and attorneys who specialize in medical practice transactions is also advisable. Entities

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Retaining the Best Physicians in Your Medical Practice

One of the greatest challenges facing health care companies today, from the smallest private practice to the largest hospital, is how to retain quality physicians. No health organization wants to lose a good doctor. It not only takes time and effort to recruit a replacement, but the departing physician takes with him or her knowledge

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New EHR? Follow These Five Tips

  EHR’s have come the distance since they were introduced. REVENUE CYCLE MANAGEMENT At this point, EHRs are about much more than how encounters are recorded. If you’re looking for a smoking gun, think revenue management. Without a fully unified practice-wide system, you’re in danger of failing to create the type of efficiencies and revenue

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