The Smart Medical Practice

5 Must-Have Medical Practice Management Software Features for Better Workflow Productivity

Efficiently running a medical practice, whether a physician’s office or a larger multi-specialty clinic, requires the implementation of essential administrative routines. While doctors play a crucial role in patient’s lives, someone must also manage the day-to-day business operations, such as scheduling patients and ensuring payment for services. Although this work may occur behind the scenes,

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Key Features of Medical Practice Management Software

As medical practices become more complex and patients demand better care, medical professionals are turning to practice management software to help streamline workflows, improve productivity, and reduce errors.  According to Data Bridge Market Research’s analysis, the market for medical practice management software, valued at USD 6.80 billion in 2021, is projected to reach USD 13.85 billion

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Practice Management

Patients and Physicians Benefit Greatly From Modern OB/GYN Workflows

A modern OB/GYN practice creates efficiencies for patients and providers — a virtuous circle that improves patient outcomes and patient satisfaction while increasing clinician revenue and lowering stress levels. Patients want their physicians to provide efficient, up-to-date systems. They want to make appointments online, pay their bills through a portal or mobile payment system, and 

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PracticeSuite Achieves ONC 21st Century Cures Certification

PracticeSuite, Inc., a leading cloud platform for ambulatory care providers, announces the Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (ONC-HIT) certified PracticeSuite ambulatory electronic health record (EHR) for their 2015 Edition Cures Update. Read the full article here

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Practice Management

Consistency is Key: Using TPS to Improve Plastic Surgery Practices

The more consistent your plastic surgery practice is, the more it can deliver the experience and outcomes your patients seek. To that end, an editorial in Aesthetic Surgery Journal looked at how plastic surgeons can improve consistency by applying principles from the Toyota Production System (TPS). TPS was developed in the 1950s as a way

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Practice Management

Tackling the Growing Scheduling Crisis in Pulmonology

Scheduling has always been difficult for pulmonologists, most of whom see patients in multiple locations during the day—but the problem seems to be growing more acute. In large part, this is due to growing demands on pulmonologists, including increases in prior authorizations, payer documentation demands, and peer-to-peer reviews. One part of solving the scheduling crisis

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Practice Management

Growing Your Pain Medicine Practice: Focus on Efficiency, Coding and Outreach

Improving and expanding a pain medicine practice can be summed up this way: look inside and outside. Looking out is, of course, about referrals and marketing. And when it comes to marketing, social media’s benefits sometimes come under fire. It provides an relatively inexpensive way to reach potential customers, but it makes many practitioners uneasy.

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Practice Management

Otolaryngologists Look to APPs and Stronger Coding Practices to Improve the Bottom Line

One conversation taking place more frequently among otolaryngologists concerns advanced practice providers (APPs). There are a few reasons. First, during the pandemic, primary care providers were overwhelmed with patients, and many were seeing those patients via telemedicine. Since it’s difficult to properly examine an ear, look inside the nose, or palpate the neck during a virtual visit,

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