Tag: Practice Management

Time, Money, and Your Physical Therapy Practice

Time is money in any business, but nowhere is this more true than in the medical community. Juggling multiple patients and treating illnesses and diseases is only part of the process. Medical practices must also handle the related responsibilities. In healthcare, in some instances, even an extra five minutes can save a life. This could

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PT Blog

Considering Group Visits? Hidden Opportunities & Challenges

As a medical services provider, your professional goal is to see as many patients as possible while balancing your daily endeavors with patient care. After all, you could likely see one patient per five minutes, but you would certainly not be able to seriously address concerns, run tests, and offer true patient care overeall by

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Key Revenue Cycle Management Software Features

If you have hundreds of physicians to bill for or just one, you can run into complicated and complex billing scenarios. Maintaining the highest level of collections requires a  Revenue Cycle Management  System designed to make the grade and handle demanding tasks. Whether you bill for one practice or many, our RCM software suite makes choosing

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Gaining Better Portal Adoption in Ambulatory Settings

Electronic health records with portal capabilities can empower patients, support care between visits, and improve health outcomes. If you’re looking for best practices for using patient portals in ambulatory care settings, the advice in a healthIT.gov white paper from the good old days—2012—still applies in 2016. As “Using Patient Portals in Ambulatory Care Settings” pointed

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4 Physician Enrollment and Credentialing Best Practices

For a lot of practitioners, credentialing is a necessary evil when joining a practice or a hospital’s medical staff. It’s also part of becoming networked with insurance companies. When done well, credentialing stays invisible to practices and patients alike. Done poorly, it can disrupt patient scheduling and cause delays in cash flow as insurers and

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Four Steps to a Comprehensive Patient-Pay Strategy

Until recently, the patient’s share of a typical office visit was a fairly straightforward item and an incidental to practice revenue. Often, it was a simple matter of collecting a $15-$20 co-pay. But today, accurately identifying patient responsibility prior to the visit and seeing that it’s collected at the appointment can mean the difference between

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